ZZ Plant Care

ZZ plant care tips including water, soil, pot, fertilization, benefits, issues, pests and propagation.
ZZ Plant
The ZZ plant is well known for its low maintenance care. For plant beginners or plant forgetters, the ZZ plant is an excellent plant to add to any collection!

Water: Water ZZ plants every one to two weeks in the summer. The ZZ plant goes dormant in the winter so it only needs water once every one to two months. ZZ plants are drought tolerant so they are a perfect plant if you tend to forget to water. However, be careful not to overwater your ZZ plant because this can lead to root rot. If it looks like your stem is turning brown and mushy, you are watering your ZZ plant too much.

Light: ZZ plants can tolerate varying amounts of light. They will do best in moderate to low light. Your ZZ plant may lean towards the light, if this happens, rotate your plant every so often to keep it even.

Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix. The ZZ plant can tolerate many different kinds of soil.

ZZ plant care tips including water, soil, pot, fertilization, benefits, issues, pests and propagation.
ZZ Plant Growth
Pot: ZZ Plants are slow-growing, so you do not have to worry about repotting them. You can use a terracotta or ceramic pot for your ZZ plant. The pot should only be slighter bigger than the original container you bought your ZZ plant in.

Fertilizer: Fertilize your ZZ plant every six months with a slow-release all-purpose fertilizer.

Pests: ZZ plants can become infested with mealybugs and spider mites. Although pests are not common on the ZZ plant, they can kill your plant if they are not dealt with. Periodically check your plant for tiny, furry, white bugs, or webbing. These can be signs of an infestation. If you notice pests, deal with it immediately. What seems like a small problem at first can easily turn into a situation lethal to your plant and those around it.

To get rid of pests on your ZZ plant:

1. Isolate your plant from any other plants you may own.

2. Take a toothpick or Q-Tip and physically remove the pests.

3. Spray your plant with a solution of half water and half rubbing alcohol.

4. Repeat these steps once a week until the infestation is gone.

To prevent infestations on your ZZ plant, make sure to keep all of your plants healthy. Pests can easily spread from plant to plant.

Propagation: ZZ plants can be propagated by either separating the main plant or using cuttings.

To Propagate by Separation:
ZZ plant care tips including water, soil, pot, fertilization, benefits, issues, pests and propagation.
ZZ Plant Propagation

Step 1. Take your ZZ plant out of its pot.

Step 2. Carefully divide your plant into as many sections as you want. Be careful to not harm the roots as much as you can.

Step 3. Pot each section into a new pot.

Step 4. Care for as normal.

To Propagate with a Cutting:

Step 1: Cut off a branch of your plant. Make sure that it is either an entire branch or has a couple of nodes. This will ensure that it will be able to root and make a new plant. Try to pick a branch that will not be noticeable if it is gone. You do not want your plant having a bare spot on it.

Step 2:  Place the cutting of your ZZplant into a small cup or pot filled with dirt. I push mine in about half an inch or 2-3 centimeters.

Step 3: Water the cutting until the dirt is completely moist. If there is water running out of the bottom, let it completely drip out. You do not want the dirt to be overly moist or else mold might grow.

Step 4: Place the entire plant into a plastic bag and seal the bag completely. Do not reopen the bag throughout the rooting process, you do not want to let the moisture out of the bag. The bag creates a tiny greenhouse environment for the cutting.

Step 5: Leave the bag in the sun or under a plant light. The cutting will need moderate to bright light in order to root.

Step 6: Wait a couple of weeks and you should see roots start to form.
ZZ plant care tips including water, soil, pot, fertilization, benefits, issues, pests and propagation.
ZZ Plant

ZZ plants are excellent houseplants to grow with many benefits!

Good Luck!

Lily's Indoor Jungle