About Me

My name is Lily and I have a passion for plants. It all started when I was little, I would follow my mom to go plant shopping and I fell in love with all of the pretty flowers. My mom would have to drag me away from all the colorful flowers (especially the pink ones!)
One of my favorite flowers as a kid!

As I grew older, just looking at my mom's garden wasn't enough for me, I wanted my own. What started off as a modest collection quickly turned my bedroom into a jungle.

My love of plants was not enough to keep them alive. I quickly immersed myself in blog posts, books, and my community to get the know-how of raising plants.

This blog is to share my knowledge of plants including everything I wished I had known when I first started out. This blog will also document my journey of getting even more plants and everything I learn along the way!

I hope this blog helps you with your personal plant journey!